Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Swim Lessons!

Daisey has taken swim lessons since she was 9 months old, so it's no wonder that she enjoys the water as much as I do. There's nothing better than getting into a pool, doing a few laps, and floating around soaking up the sun. Even though we don't have a pool in our backyard, we spend plenty of time at different pools. So we feel its important that Daisey know how to swim, not to mention she loves it!

Her class plays red light, green light doing kicks and bubbles while holding onto the wall. She does pretty good!

Daisey doing a back float. She does this SO good! All spread out like a starfish!

Here's the belly float! 

Every lesson they get to spend some time playing on the stairs "diving" for Bob, a sinking toy. Daisey can go down the farthest in the class, since she's been diving in the pools with me and Doug since she was little. Sometimes she needs just a little help getting all the way to the bottom.

Doing the kick-board! It doesn't matter how I pull her hair up or back, there's always some that ends up in her face. Poor girl. Doesn't seem to bother her though!

Daisey never stops amazing us. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She's thoughtful, kind, and sweet to everyone! We know that one day, she'll make the best big sister a baby could ever ask for!